Principals Corner
Please be aware that the road down to the gym at the Elementary School is a no parking area and is designated as a fire lane. Because it is a fire lane, no parking is permitted. There is limited handicap parking and only the handicapped driver will be allowed to park in this area. If a handicapped individual is a passenger, individuals will be allowed to drop the handicapped passenger off in front of the gym doors and to then park in the regular parking area.
Elementary Student Drop off
Arrival at school for non-bus riding students shall be between 8:25 AM and 8:35 AM only. It is
expected that children will not be dropped off before 8:05 AM.
Do not leave your vehicle parked in the bus lane and/or unattended at any time. This is a
safety violation. There is a “drop off” area where you will pull your vehicle into and drop your
child off. Your child will walk on the sidewalk and enter the school. This will alleviate students
running between buses. This is a pull in/pull out space, it will not be necessary to walk your
child into the building. If you should need to bring your child into the building for a reason other
than just bringing him/her to school, you will park your vehicle in the visitor space and walk with
your child, ensuring you do not go between any buses that may be in the bus lane. The drop
off zone is located at the further end of the school (towards the playground). There are three
spots designated for three vehicles to park and drop off. Once you drop your child off, you will
then continue in the car lane, staying out of the bus lane, to exit the parking lot. This will create
a better one-way traffic flow pattern and will safely allow the students to enter the building.
Non-bus riding students should arrive by 8:25 AM if eating breakfast. Breakfast is served until
8:40 AM. Students must be in their homeroom before 8:40 AM. Students arriving at school after
8:40 AM must report to the office and will be considered tardy.
Elementary Student Dismissal
At the beginning of the school year, a Dismissal Procedures letter will be sent home on the first
day of school. Parents/Guardians will indicate on the form whether their child will be picked up
daily, ride the bus daily, or a combination of both. If a parent/guardian indicates a combination
of both, a note is required each time the child will be picked up. The note should include child’s
name, the date, and the authorized adult picking the child up. Authorized individuals are the
ones listed on the Emergency Information Record. This individual must be an authorized adult.
Unlicensed, school age students can NOT sign students out. Parents/guardians are able to send
in an email in lieu of a note to [email protected] with the required information. This
email MUST BE SENT INTO THE OFFICE BEFORE 11:00 AM. If a note or email is not sent prior to 11:00
AM, students will be considered late pick-ups and will not be able to leave until all buses have
left. That time is approximately 3:25 PM or later.
Parents picking up their child at the end of the day (2:55PM)—Please make sure your mirror tag
is clearly visible. A teacher will be outside with the names of the students being picked up.
Photo identification may be requested. When waiting for dismissal, parents/guardians must
remain inside the vehicle. Vehicles are expected to line up behind the Fire/Bus Lane. No
parking is permitted in numbered parking spots. All vehicles are expected to wait in the
designated pick-up area.
Students are not allowed to walk across the parking lot without adult supervision. Please
remember parking is in designated areas only.
Do not park in the bus/fire lane or numbered parking spots.
If picking up your child/ren for an appointment during the school day, they must be picked up
prior to 3:00 PM. If the student is not a regular pick-up as indicated on the dismissal procedure
letter, the note must be into the office before 11:00 AM.
Please do not begin arriving at the school until 2:45 PM.